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From the display sheet set up at the location (translated with Google Translate):
The Hausberg to Gaiselberg was built around 1160 AD. and consisted only of the middle part, a ditch and a wall.
On this and at the edge of the center was a palisade. Low knights, whose name are unknown, inhabited a simple
wooden house and pit houses buried in the ground. They were probably under the Kuenringern who owned in the area.
Before 1240, the plant was demolished and carried out a rebuilding.
Now the second and third ditch and wall were built and a "solid house" (Hausberg - the solid house, the Veste am Bergl),
the basement of which is made of stone humpback blocks and the upper floor is made of wood Truss existed.
At this time, the oldest earthen stables were created, which still today pass through the whole mountain.
Around 1400, the castle is the victim of a fire disaster, but between 1409 and 1414 by the Ruckendorfer rebuilt as a
feudal lord of the Orth reign, where in the house Gothic style features appeared.
Gaiselberg now has the high court (gallows). Before 1450, another fire can be proved, around 1500 a wall collapse and
slowly the Hausberg loses its prominence.
Niederösterreich ist ein Bundesland von Österreich. Es ist vor allem für seine Kulturgüter, wie das UNESCO Weltkulturerbe Wachau, bekannt. Es ist das flächenmäßig größte Bundesland Österreichs und besteht aus viert Viertel. Das Weinviertel im Nordosten, das Waldviertel im Nordwesten, das Mostviertel im Südwesten und das Industrieviertel im Südosten. Die Landeshauptstadt ist seit 1986 die im Zentrum des Bundesland liegende Statutarstadt St. Pölten.