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Křížová cesta 21.století
Krajina kříže (Čestmír Mudruňka)
Rozkládá se na louce mezi spodní hranou Nového lesa a železniční tratí. Celý projekt vzešel z iniciativy akadamického sochaře Vladimíra Preclíka a byl otevřen na podzim roku 2008. V této „galerii pod širým nebem“ je ke shlédnutí 15 pískovcových moderních soch od 15 různých autorů, které jsou realizovány jako „zamyšlení na téma křížové cesty, kterou si nese životem každý sám“. Nejedná se tedy o tradiční pojetí křížové cesty, ale spíše o dílo nesoucí jistý filozoficko-náboženský podtext. Každý nechť tedy na sebe nechá působit atmosféru místa podle svého a nechť si svobodně vybere, které sochy ho více či méně (či vůbec) zaujmou a proč.
Názvy všech soch a jména autorů:
Zvěstování – Daniel Klose
Rouška Veroniky - Stanislav Hanzík
Zázrak nanebevstoupení - Vojtěch Adamec
Trnová koruna - Ellen Jilemnická
Katedrála prosby - Vladimír Preclík
Svatá rodina - Jan Koblasa
Světlo v temnotách - Ivan Jilemnický
Slza - Václav Fiala
Vykoupení - Jan Hendrych
Pieta – Marius Kotrba
Hledač - Michal Šarše
Krajina kříže - Čestmír Mudruňka
Lásky bolest – Jiří Marek
Brána naděje – Jaromíra Němcová
Obelisk - Jiří Kačer
(Zdroj: http://www.turistika.cz/trasy/kuks-krizova-cesta-21stoleti-, viz též http://www.podzvicinsko.cz/cs/tematicke-trasy/krizova-cesta-na-kuksu.html)
The Czech Republic is a cool little landlocked country south of Germany and Poland, with a national addiction to pork and beer. Potatos, cabbage, and dumplings are close behind them, and they also have this great bar food called "utopenec." It means "a drowned man," it's pickled sausage with onions, perfect with some dark wheat bread and beer. The Czech bread is legendary, like a meal all by itself.Czechoslovakia first became a sovereign state in 1918 when it declared independence from the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The state of Czechoslovakia lasted until the "Velvet Divorce" of 1993, which created Slovakia and the Czech Republic.It was occupied by Germany in WWII but escaped major damage, unlike most other European cities. The nation's capital, Prague, retains some of Europe's most beautiful Baroque architecture as well as one of the largest medieval castle complexes still standing. The President of the Czech Republic has his offices in the Prague Castle even today.There was a coup d'etat in 1948 and Czechoslovakia fell under Soviet rule. For fifty years Czechoslovakia was a Socialist state under the USSR, subject to censorship, forced atheism and even the arrest of jazz musicians!In 1989, communist police violently squashed a pro-democracy demonstration and pissed everybody off so bad that a revolution erupted over it, finally ending the Communist rule.The next twenty years saw rapid economic growth and westernization. Today in Prague you can eat at McDonald's or KFC, shop for snowboarding boots and go see a punk rock show.The Czech Republic took over the presidency of the European Union in January 2009. This instantly created lots of political drama because the President of the Czech Republic, Vaclav Klaus, is a renowned Euroskeptic.We anxiously await the outcome of "President Klaus vs. the Lisbon Treaty", a world heavywieght fight sceduled for spring 2009.Text by Steve Smith.