The Chapter Room was the room where the friars met, presided over by the abbot or prior, to read the chapter or the life of the saints. It served for all assemblies, especially when it was necessary to decide any matter of general interest for the convent.
It was up to Master Huguet to finish the famous Chapter Room, changing the initial project, launching a single vault of 16 radiant ribs, without central support. with a 19m square floor plan, which is an impressive technical challenge. Of note is the 1514 stained glass window attributed to Francisco Henriques of Flemish origin; a triptych of the Passion (Crucifixion / Calvary / Descent from the Cross), with a predominance of color over the drawing. In one of the angle angles, the figure of an architect (Huguet?) Seems to want, even today, to receive visitors as a tribute to his constructive boldness.