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Ralf Koeppe
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Ralf Koeppe
Agrigento - Temple of the Dioscuri - Temple of Castor and Pollux
Ralf Koeppe
Gibellina Vecchia - The Ruins of Gibellina - Il Cretto di Burri
Ralf Koeppe
Outflow of the Ried Glacier, Valais, Switzerland
Ralf Koeppe
Kleine Gans, Bastei, Saxon Switzerland
Ralf Koeppe
La Passage Du Gois
Ralf Koeppe
Menhirs of Kergadiou, Finistère, Britanny, France
Ralf Koeppe
Inside Monte Silvestri Inferiore - a crater of Etna's Rift Zone
Ralf Koeppe
Former Open Air Theatre, Leopoldishain, Saxon Switzerland
Ralf Koeppe
Kaiser Wilhelm Feste, Biela Valley, Saxon Switzerland
Ralf Koeppe
Underneath the Herkulessäule, Biela Valley, Saxon Switzerland
Ralf Koeppe
Mikado of Trees in Kirnitsch Valley, Saxon Switzerland
Ralf Koeppe
Bussardturm, Heilige Stiege, Saxon Switzerland
Ralf Koeppe
Rauschensteiner Turm, Heilige Stiege, Saxon Switzerland
Ralf Koeppe
Wenzelwand, Reitsteig, Saxon Switzerland
Ralf Koeppe
Satanskopf, Obere Affensteinpromenade, Saxon Switzerland
Ralf Koeppe
Piazza Scandaliato of Sciacca, Sicily
Ralf Koeppe
The Theatre of Segesta, Sicily
Ralf Koeppe
The antic Center of Sciacca, Sicily
Ralf Koeppe
In the Harbour of Sciacca, Sicily
Ralf Koeppe
Gamrig, Saxon Switzerland
Ralf Koeppe
Ritigraben, Graechen and St. Niklaus, Valais
Ralf Koeppe
Zirkelstein, half way to the top, Saxon Switzerland
Ralf Koeppe
Ruderi di Gibellina - The Ruins of Gibellina - Cretto di Burri
Ralf Koeppe
Ruderi di Gibellina - Il Cretto di Burri
Ralf Koeppe
Gibellina Vecchia - The Ruins of Gibellina - Il Cretto di Burri
Ralf Koeppe
Selinunt inside Temple E
Ralf Koeppe
Selinunt Inside Temple E 3
Ralf Koeppe
Outflow of the Ried Glacier, Valais, Switzerland
Ralf Koeppe
The Temple of Juno in the Valley of Temples - Agrigento
Ralf Koeppe
The Theatre of Segesta, Sicily
Ralf Koeppe
Agrigento - Temple of the Dioscuri - Temple of Castor and Pollux
Ralf Koeppe
Inside Monte Silvestri Inferiore - a crater of Etna's Rift Zone
Ralf Koeppe
Bisglacier and Rockslide close to Randa, Valais, Switzerland
Ralf Koeppe
Piazza Scandaliato of Sciacca, Sicily
Ralf Koeppe
Inside Monte Silvestri Inferiore - a crater of Etna's Rift Zone
Ralf Koeppe
Former Open Air Theatre, Leopoldishain, Saxon Switzerland
Ralf Koeppe
Kaiser Wilhelm Feste, Biela Valley, Saxon Switzerland
Ralf Koeppe
Underneath the Herkulessäule, Biela Valley, Saxon Switzerland
Ralf Koeppe
Mikado of Trees in Kirnitsch Valley, Saxon Switzerland
Ralf Koeppe
Bussardturm, Heilige Stiege, Saxon Switzerland
Ralf Koeppe
Rauschensteiner Turm, Heilige Stiege, Saxon Switzerland
Ralf Koeppe
Wenzelwand, Reitsteig, Saxon Switzerland
Ralf Koeppe
Satanskopf, Obere Affensteinpromenade, Saxon Switzerland
Ralf Koeppe
Piazza Scandaliato of Sciacca, Sicily
Ralf Koeppe
The Theatre of Segesta, Sicily
Ralf Koeppe
The antic Center of Sciacca, Sicily
Ralf Koeppe
In the Harbour of Sciacca, Sicily
Ralf Koeppe
Agrigento - At the Temple of Heracles
Ralf Koeppe
Agrigento - Altare Monumentale east of the Olympieion
Ralf Koeppe
Agrigento - Temple of the Dioscuri - Temple of Castor and Pollux
Ralf Koeppe
The Temple of Juno in the Valley of Temples - Agrigento
Ralf Koeppe
on the way from Poggioreale to Gibellina
Ralf Koeppe
Ruderi di Gibellina - The Ruins of Gibellina - Cretto di Burri
Ralf Koeppe
The Ruins of Gibellina - Il Cretto di Burri
Ralf Koeppe
Gibellina Vecchia - The Ruins of Gibellina - Il Cretto di Burri
Ralf Koeppe
Ruderi di Gibellina - Il Cretto di Burri
Ralf Koeppe
Selinunt inside Temple E
Ralf Koeppe
Selinunt Between Temples A And C
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