中国龙川(坑口村)——Hu Jingtao的祖籍地,5A级景区,胡氏宗祠乃景区之最。由绩溪县城驱车龙川,经X086县道,由于众所知道的原因,X086县道被整修一新,四月驱车龙川,徽派乡间,春意盎然,溪水潺潺、黄花遍野、青山叠翠、粉墙黛瓦、乡村妩媚……,这里是徽派文化的核心区域。据说下半年Hu Jintao将荣归故里、参观胡氏宗祠。
Anhui Province, a province of the PRC, located in the east, the Yangtze River Delta hinterland. Across the Huaihe River, Yangtze River, the three major river systems Xin'anjiang. Provincial capital of Hefei. Anhui geographical diversity, both north and south colors. Is a southern province of Anhui Qing, Kangxi 6 years (AD 1667), analysis of southern provinces of Jiangsu and Anhui provinces and the formal province, take time Anqing, Huizhou, two governments, named after the first word. Territory Wan Shan, Anhui water, that today's Anhui Tianzhu Mountain and River, Spring and Autumn when the country was labeled Po, called Wan country, it is referred to Anhui Anhui.