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According to a boundary description from 819, the area around today's Moosbach was assigned to the Chammünster monastery, which later founded a village with a chapel here. Moosbach itself is mentioned for the first time in the oldest Wittelsbacher Urbarbuch (1222–1228) together with some surrounding villages. Around this time the construction of a church in Moosbach also falls. In the oldest parish register of the Diocese of Regensburg from 1326 Moosbach is already listed as a parish.
The municipality of Moosbach emerged in 1818 from the former municipalities of Moosbach, Rubendorf and Viechtafell. This included the former main teams Moosbach and Rubendorf as well as a considerable part of the main team Prackenbach. 1952 belonged to the municipality Moosbach in the district Viechtach 23 districts. It was incorporated into the Prackenbach community on May 1, 1978 as part of the regional reform in Bavaria.
Source: Wikipedia
Der Freistaat Bayern ist ein Land im Südosten der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Bayern ist das flächengrößte Bundesland und steht nach der Einwohnerzahl hinter Nordrhein-Westfalen an zweiter Stelle. Benachbarte Länder sind Baden-Württemberg, Hessen, Thüringen und Sachsen; im Süden und Osten grenzt Bayern an Österreich, im Bodensee an die Schweiz und im Osten an Tschechien. Die Hauptstadt Bayerns ist die Millionenstadt München.