Since its inception the urban function of Our Lady of Remedies Riohacha was to contain the brave indigenous Wayuu and serve as a shelter for the Lords of the Canoas those with indigenous labor and exploited black pearl banks.
Riohacha or Rio de la Hacha was among the first towns founded in the sixteenth century, exactly in 1545 by the Spanish who fled from the lack of water in the city of Nuestra Señora de los Remedios del Cabo de la Vela. War and Eduardo Barrera Weildler have shown that Cabo de la Vela was indeed a pearl camp Hispanic Wayúu got to the brutal logic of the world economy at the time.
Since its inception the urban function of Our Lady of Remedies Riohacha was to contain the brave indigenous Wayuu and serve as a shelter for the Lords of the Canoas those with indigenous labor and exploited black pearl banks. Since then, there was the street where indigenous pearls "peruleaban" that is traded with pearls