This was shot in Valentine Park (Parcul Îndrăgostiților), in early spring.
The park was established by the local council as a gesture to express the wish for unity and interdependence between the ethnic groups of Târgu Mureș. It has a rather kitschy theme to it.
Târgu Mureş [ˈtɨrɡu ˈmureʃ] (ältere Schreibweise Tîrgu Mureş, dt. Neumarkt am Mieresch, ung. Marosvásárhely [ˈmɒroʃvaːʃaːrhɛj]) ist eine Stadt in Siebenbürgen, Rumänien. Sie ist Hauptstadt des Kreises Mureş und hat etwa 146.000 Einwohner (Stand 2007).