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深圳仙湖植物园位于深圳市东北郊,东倚深圳第一高峰梧桐山,西临深圳水库。占地8800多亩,始建于一九八三年,一九八八年正式对外开放。是一个以科研、科普、旅游为一体的著名植物园与风景区。植物园共保存植物4000多种,建有苏铁保存中心、木兰园、珍稀树木园、棕榈园、竹区、荫生植物区、沙漠植物区、百果园、水生植物园、桃花园、裸子植物区、盆景园等十几个植物专类园。全园分为天上人间景区、湖区、庙区、沙漠植物区、化石森林景区和松柏杜鹃景区等六大景区。建有别有洞天、两宜亭、玉带桥、龙尊塔、听涛阁、揽胜亭等十几处园林景点,并建有独具特色的古生物博物馆。美丽的自然风光,别具一格的园林建筑,神秘的植物王国,令人赞不绝口。棕榈区绿草茵茵,椰林葵树分布其间,呈现出一派浓郁的热带风光;荫生植物区内,食虫植物 伺机捕食;跳舞兰鲜艳的花朵宛然宫女踩着优美的舞步;化石森林中,玛瑙化石傲然挺立,亿年岁月磨灭不了树木的圈圈年轮,仿佛在向人们诉说着地球历史的沧桑巨变;沙漠温室里,沙生植物争奇斗艳;晨曦中,弘法寺钟声回响,诵经曲徐疾有致,令人肃穆;夕阳下,湖水波光潋潋,绿树亭台倒影其中,景色如画,怎不令人留连忘返

Copyright: Dayong
Art: Spherical
Resolution: 8000x4000
Taken: 26/05/2010
Hochgeladen: 26/05/2010
Published: 26/05/2010


Tags: 仙湖,深圳,植物园,
Mehr über Guangdong Province

Guangdong Province, referred to as "Yue ", the provincial capital Guangzhou, the jurisdiction of cities in 21 provinces, including two deputy provincial cities (Guangzhou, Shenzhen), prefecture-level cities 19. Formerly Kwangtung, Canton, is Pinyin GuǎngDōng. Guangdong is the southern coast of mainland China, a province located south of Nanling, the South China Sea, Hong Kong and Macao, Guangxi, Hunan, Jiangxi and Fujian border, and Hainan across the sea. It is a Han Chinese as the main provinces, the country's 56 ethnic groups are distributed in the province. Guangdong customs and in language, history and culture, have a unique aspect, the internal department has three people, and northern China are very different. Guangdong GDP value has surpassed Taiwan as China's most economically developed provinces in the most open culture.

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