James L. Tanner


Arizona, USA, North America
Angesehen: 198,431
About James


I have been involved in photography since I was 8 years old and in computer graphic design for the past 35 years. My company is PhotoArizona360. I specialize in 360 degree and wide angle panoramas in Arizona and surrounding states. I am available for consultation about building an online graphic presence with the use of dynamic 360 views.

I have more than forty years' experience in law, computers and over forty years experience as a research genealogist. I presently serve as a volunteer at the Mesa Regional Family History Center in Mesa, Arizona where I alternate between helping patrons and teaching classes. I am most interested in the technological aspects of genealogical research because of my strong technology background. My own family were pioneers who settled in Utah and Arizona in the 1800s. My family dates back to the Mayflower and with the exception of one Great-great-grandfather who came from Denmark, my family all came from England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales.