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Richard D. Stack
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USA, North America
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Alle (48)
Richard D. Stack
Mirror-like waters of Bear Lake in Killarney Provincial Park, Ontario Canada
Richard D. Stack
The Sandy Beach on Bear Lake in Killarney Provincial Park, Ontario Canada
Richard D. Stack
Three Tree Island on Bear Lake in Killarney Provincial Park
Richard D. Stack
Crystal Waters of Killarney Park
Richard D. Stack
60 Second Street Gloversville, NY
Richard D. Stack
Little Current Ontario, CA - Dockside
Richard D. Stack
Sacandaga Campground in Wells, New York
Richard D. Stack
St Mary's Cemetery Panorama
Richard D. Stack
Sacandaga Campground in Wells, New York
Richard D. Stack
Mirror Lake - Lake Placid New York
Richard D. Stack
Ferndale Cemetery
Richard D. Stack
Port Henry Amtrak Train Station
Richard D. Stack
Westport Amtrak Train Station
Richard D. Stack
Hudson-Chatham Winery
Richard D. Stack
Auriesville Shrine - Inside
Richard D. Stack
Auriesville Shrine - Outside Riverside Entrance
Richard D. Stack
Auriesville Shrine - Outside Front Entrance
Richard D. Stack
Holy Family Parish - Outside
Richard D. Stack
Hudson-Chatham Winery
Richard D. Stack
Sandy Beach Cove on Bear Lake in Killarney Provincial Park, Ontario Canada
Richard D. Stack
Mirror-like waters of Bear Lake in Killarney Provincial Park, Ontario Canada
Richard D. Stack
Walker Lake Dam
Richard D. Stack
Above Walker Lake Dam - Walker Lake side
Richard D. Stack
Crystal Waters of Killarney Park
Richard D. Stack
Lover's Leap at Little Bear Lake Ontario
Richard D. Stack
Spring on Bear Lake in Killarney Provincial Park, Ontario Canada
Richard D. Stack
Ammonoosuc River, Mt Washington New Hampshire
Richard D. Stack
Mt Washington in the Presidential Range
Richard D. Stack
High above Bear Lake in Killarney Provincial Park, Ontario Canada
Richard D. Stack
Sunset on Bear Lake, Killarney Provincial Park, Ontario Canada
Richard D. Stack
Summer in Amherst, New Hampshire USA
Richard D. Stack
Lang Lake Marina
Richard D. Stack
Westport Amtrak Train Station
Richard D. Stack
Eastman Kodak Quad at the Rochester Institure of Technology, Rochester NY
Richard D. Stack
Spring on Bear Lake in Killarney Provincial Park, Ontario Canada
Richard D. Stack
Above the narrow channel leadng into Bear Lake in Killarney Provincial Park
Richard D. Stack
An open field where a beaver's lake once stood in Killarney Provincial Park
Richard D. Stack
Above Walker Lake Dam - Walker Lake side
Richard D. Stack
Above beautiful creek in Killarney Provincial Park
Richard D. Stack
The narrow channel leading into Bear Lake in Killarney Provincial Park
Richard D. Stack
Walker Lake Dam
Richard D. Stack
The Beautiful Bear Lake in Killarney Provincial Park, Ontario Canada
Richard D. Stack
Summer in Amherst, New Hampshire USA
Richard D. Stack
Sandy Beach Cove on Bear Lake in Killarney Provincial Park, Ontario Canada
Richard D. Stack
Engineering Quad at the Rochester Institure of Technology, Rochester NY
Richard D. Stack
Eastman Kodak Quad at the Rochester Institure of Technology, Rochester NY
Richard D. Stack
Rochester Institute of Technology Student Dorms
Richard D. Stack
Main campus of the Rochester Institure of Technology, Rochester NY
Richard D. Stack
Glacial rock stis ready to slide into the water of Bear Lake in Killarney Provincial Park
Richard D. Stack
Peaceful cove on Bear Lake in Killarney Provincial Park, Ontario Canada
Richard D. Stack
High above Bear Lake in Killarney Provincial Park, Ontario Canada
Richard D. Stack
Mirror-like waters of Bear Lake in Killarney Provincial Park, Ontario Canada
Richard D. Stack
The Sandy Beach on Bear Lake in Killarney Provincial Park, Ontario Canada
Richard D. Stack
Sunset on Bear Lake, Killarney Provincial Park, Ontario Canada
Richard D. Stack
Three Tree Island on Bear Lake in Killarney Provincial Park
Richard D. Stack
Crystal Waters of Killarney Park
Richard D. Stack
Panorama of 5 Homestead Road Amherst, NH
Richard D. Stack
60 Second Street Gloversville, NY
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