Jim Watters


Canada, North America
Views: 179,771
About Jim

Photographer, software developer, image manipulator, photo creator

My 20 years' experience with computers started with purchasing a C64.

With no knowledge of a way to combine my two passions of photography & computers at the time, I abandoned computers and began a career in photography.

I studied 3 years and received a Diploma of Fine Craft in Photography. I did not leave computers behind, using Apple computers for desktop publishing to complete graphic assignments.

In the years to follow I was using computers more and more to manipulate photographs. My passion for computers increased. With the goal of combining photography manipulation and computers, I added a Bachelor's degree in computers to my list of completed education.

Now I am an Imaging Software Engineer. I have contributed to the open source software Panotools, which combines images together to create spherical panoramas. Along the way I have learned many aspects of computers and am armed with copious knowledge of graphic software.