蒋先云故居位于湖南省新田县大坪塘乡大坪塘村,始建于清乾隆四十一年(1776年),由蒋先云的高祖登堂公所建,因故居前有一形如半月的池塘,故蒋氏族人又称之为“月光堂(塘)”。1902年农历7月14日,蒋先云出生于此,他的童年、青少年皆在这里度过,直到踏上革命征程。 故居坐北朝南,系明清时期砖木结构建筑,整体呈“一池三堂两井十二间”的格局,其主体建筑由月光池塘、大堂、中堂、正堂等组成,建筑面积457.5平方米。故居作为这位革命烈士的载体,具有很高的历史价值,是一处珍贵的革命传统教育基地。庄严古朴的烈士故居,显得森严肃穆,青砖黛瓦、三层风火马头墙诉说着一段可歌可泣的革命历史。2011年蒋先云故居被省人民政府公布为省级文物保护单位。
Hunan is a province of the People's Republic, is located south of the Yangtze River. Most areas in the south of Dongting Lake, hence the name Hunan. Xiangjiang River runs through the territory of North and South, also known as Xiang. According to legend, the Xiangjiang River in the past few plant hibiscus, Tan Tang Dynasty poet used the "Autumn Hibiscus country thousands of miles" of the sentence, Hunan, it has "Hibiscus country, "said. Hunan, Jiangxi east, west, Chongqing, Guizhou, southern border of Guangdong, Guangxi, Hubei Province north. Jurisdiction of 13 prefecture-level cities and 1 autonomous prefecture, a total of 136 counties (county-level cities or municipal districts) or more administrative units, the provincial capital of Changsha City based.