The Qinhuai River ancient name Huai water, the given name “Long Cangpu”, the span the approximately 110 kilometers, the drainage area more than 2600 square kilometers, are the Nanjing area main river courses. Qinhuai River divides the inland river and outside the river, the inland river in the Nanjing city, is ten mile Qin Huaizui the lively place. Qinhuai River's source has two, the east source stems from the Jurong valuable Huashan, the south source stems from east Lishui County Mt. Lushan, two sources in the Jiangning area's Fangshan dam connection, flow in the Nanjing city from the east water gate. Qinhuai River crosses the urban district from east to west, the south flows out from the west water gate, pours into Yangtze River.
Qin Huai the scenery, is most famous by the light ship. Ship of same colored lantern the river bank is hanging, tours person of the Qinhuai River, take must ride the light ship quickly as. After the repair Qinhuai River wind band of light, take the Confucian temple as the center, Qinhuai River is a link, including gazes the garden, the Confucian temple, the egret continent, the Chinese gate, as well as from area peach Ye Duzhi town Huai bridge's Qin Huai the aquatic pleasure boat and along the river the pavilion landscape.