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Zatmenie Slnka.
Ciastocne zatmenie Slnka mohli 4. januara 2011 sledovat obyvatelia severnej pologule, to je prevaznej casti Europy, zapadnej Afriky a vychodnej Azie. Mesiac nezakryval Slnko uplne, preto aj vo vrcholnej faze malo Slnko na oblohe tvar polmesiaca. Obraz Slnka bol do panoramy vloženy pre ilustraciu, a to s použitim vrstiev. Nasnimane dňa 4.1. 2011 v čase 09:33:28.00 h. SEČ, Horne Prsany.
Solar eclipse.
The partial Solar eclipse the 4-th January 2011 could monitoring the inhabitants of the northern Earth hemisphere, it is most parts of Europe, West Africa and East Asia. The Sun conceal The Moon not completely, hence the peak phase of the sun in the sky had a crescent-shaped.