Guido Vanderweeen

Bélgica, Europe
Número de vistas: 9,186
About Guido

I was born on the 27 may 1957 in Aalst, Belgium.
Photographic addict for many years, first in black and white with my own dark chamber.
Cameras owned: Konica, Zenith, canon A1, canon F1 until the 1985.
Then there was a photo less period. With a job that was also a hobby.
With the 300D on the market for a reasonable prize the old passion was back in picture.
Form the 300D to 30D, 50D, 5D and 5DmkII. And yes the wife still support de hobby.
Now using a Canon 5D mk II and a 50D for making panoramas together with a Peleng 8mm.
Hope you like the panoramas.



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