The Highland Open Fencing Tournament 2011
This tournament is held annually at the Inverness Leisure Centre. There are six categories - Epee, Foil and Sabre for Men and Women.
The Highland Open is one of the four fencing tournaments grouped together by the Celtic Passport. The four tournaments are –The Highland Open in Inverness, October; the M8 open in Edinburgh, November; the Glasgow Open, April and the Doric Open in Aberdeen, July.
Some URLs which may be of interest are –
The Highland Open - http://www.highlandopen.co.uk/
The M8 Open - http://www.wallacefencing.org.uk/~wfa/m8-open.html
The Glasgow Open - http://www.glasgowopen.co.uk/
The Doric Open - http://www.doricopen.com/
The Celtic Passport - http://www.wallacefencing.org.uk/~wfa/celtic-passport.html