This is Kianu just after breakfast and over there is Liane, the kitten's mom. Two New Caledonian Feral Cats.
The southern end of New Caledonia's island of Grande Terre is a vast wilderness area. The terrestrial wildlife includes lizards, a few frogs, birds, and bugs. There are imported deer and wild pigs but we rarely see them. About a year ago we were getting water from a spring and saw a kitten face peering at us through the grass. We then saw the mother cat overseeing her kitten's first human encounter.
Feral Cats get little training in the process of domesticating humans. But, like all Felis catus, they really don't need to try very hard; they just have to be willing to allow humans to see them and - if the humans act civilized - allow them to approach. Of course, if the humans offer proper tribute (food) they might even be allowed to do a little petting.
When we returned to the wilderness area a couple of months later the kitten showed up again - but the mother had (we believe) been killed by a dog. The kitten was surviving on lizzards and bugs. She was thin, but her fur was amazingly clean and she appeared healthy - and hungry. We began regularly feeding the kitten and now she's all grown up. A few months ago she showed up one day with her own kitten.
We call her Liane and the kitten Kianu. They come when we call their names. Liane is a strange little cat; small because (we think) she didn't have much to eat when she was a kitten. She's filled out now and thanks us with kisses and cuddles BEFORE she gobbles her daily tribute.
Liane goes for walks with us - following or running ahead on our daily treks, often for several kilometers; even when it's hot in the summer and she's roasting her little paws on hot rocks and panting from the heat. Never saw a cat that liked to trek before. It's a very odd feeling seeing her appear out of the bush, run towards us - and then walk along, making little cat comments from time to time. She has successfully domesticated us.
Une Nation du Pacifique Sud, la plus proche de l'Australie et de la Nouvelle Zélande. Une chaîne de hautes montagnes, d'impressionnantes cascades et de nombreuses rivières avec une flore et une faune variée et souvent unique au monde - C'est le paradis de la randonnée pédestre ou équestre ainsi que de l'excursion en véhicule tout-terrain.Le plus grand lagon du monde, peuplé d'une faune tropicale endémique particulièrement riche, avec des récifs et des populations de poissons rares et protégées. Des centaines d'épaves sous-marines, des îlots, de nombreuses plages de sable blanc. La population calédonienne est issue d'un large brassage culturel : Mélanésiens, Européens, Polynésiens, Vietnamiens, Chinois, Japonais, et la langue et culture française. La Nouvelle-Calédonie est dotée de très bonnes infrastructures médicales et sociales. Une infrastructure touristique qui offre un large éventail de types d'hébergement allant de l'hôtel 5 étoiles au camping aménagé en passant par l'accueil en milieu tribal, les chambres d'hôtes, les refuges et l'auberge de jeunesse.