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杭州开元名都大酒店楼后外观,New Century Grand Hotel Hangzhou
Zhejiang Province


  英文名称: New Century Grand Hotel Hangzhou
    酒店地址: 浙江省杭州市萧山区市心中路818号
  所在区域: 杭州市萧山区
  相邻景点: 杭州乐园、湘湖、极地海洋世界、东方文化园


  酒店位于杭州市萧山中央商务区,正对杭州市萧山区政府,临近经济开发区  地理位置。酒店2.5公里范围内拥有多个大型购物超级市场,萧山歌剧院以及萧山图书馆近在咫尺。至杭州萧山国际机场仅8公里,距离杭州火车站仅20分钟车程,沪杭甬高速公路近在咫尺。西湖风景区等杭州最具盛名的名胜古迹均在半个小时车程之内,距江南历史文化名城绍兴仅44公里,抵达中国最大城市上海和著名港口城市宁波亦均只需2小时车程。

  杭州开元名都大酒店拥有各类豪华客房,无烟楼层设置在31、32、38层,而在非无烟楼层,提供特别净化服务。客房卫生间均采用落地式玻璃窗,可直接收看电视,热带雨林酒洒  杭州开元名都大酒店、汉斯格雅浴具,提供高尚享受客房用品全新升级。除此之外,客房内还专设办公区,配备办公桌、传真机、宽带网口及各类办公用品,方便您的商务活动。值得一提的是酒店网络系统新增中国电信“国际快车”特定服务,使您在旅途中更好更快地与国际客户联系。

   行政楼层“名仕阁”位于杭州开元名都大酒店38-43层,为高品位商务客人度身定做。凡是入住的客人均可直接在41层办理入住和退房手续,并能延迟至下午两点退房;入住时将赠送欢迎鲜花和水果,可免费熨衣两件,可在行政酒廊中免费享用全景欧陆式早餐及周“Happy Hour”休闲下午茶;可免费使用行政楼层会议室2小时,可在行政楼层的商务中心免费上网1小时。近期,酒店名仕阁更是全新推出“天逸之旅”,以让您的旅途更为愉快。采用美国进口KING KOIL床垫,1024根弹簧构成“品”字型独特设计,获全球唯一“ICA” (国际脊椎神经科学学会)认证,确保健康舒适睡眠。提供决明子枕、金银花枕、银杏枕、竹碳枕、防过敏枕、乔麦枕及硬枕等九款不同枕芯的床枕,为商旅繁忙的您营造舒适的居住空间。酒店服务中心还免费提供天逸摇篮,帮助您的宝宝更快进入梦乡。个性化热带雨林花洒营造淋浴新体验,独特落地窗设计,坐拥218米天逸“飘逸全景”。

  酒店拥有四季轩中餐厅、国风堂包厢群、地中海咖啡厅、梦迪西诺扒房、伊万里川日本餐厅、玫瑰花园大堂吧、名都饼屋、廊吧 、颐年雪茄吧、45楼金爵会所共十处餐饮区域,总计餐位数超过1350个。酒店3-5楼,设有专业的康体俱乐部,设施先进齐全,如健身中心、韵律操房、斯诺克台球室、标准室内游泳池、大型户外网球场、光辉岁月KTV包厢、演艺酒吧等。

  酒店拥有极其完善和现代的会议场所及设施。15个不同规格的会议室,融汇最新科技的会务设备,训练有素的专职会务经理,满足高档会议一切所需。无论盛  杭州开元名都大酒店大堂宴、酒会,还是高级商务会议,酒店的专业会务会为商旅提供周到细致的服务,令各种类型会议及宴会圆满、成功。3个1000平方米的宴会大厅可以满足商旅不同的会议需求。气势宏伟、盛大璀璨的开元厅、竞潮厅分别位于酒店四层的左右两侧,为大型无柱式多功能宴会厅,宽达8米的会议走廊贯通两极,可同时容纳700-900人举行会议或用餐。竞潮厅设有轻巧的活动隔断,可自由切换空间,布置灵活,尽显非凡。配有多道同声传译系统和最先进的灯光音响等智能化会务设备,能满足各类会议的需求。此外,在两个大型多功能宴会厅旁分别设置了独立的VIP接待室,为重要宾客的接待和休息提供一切方便。外于酒店三楼的名都厅,可自由分割成三个大厅,供会议灵活调配。



  停车场 会议厅 洗衣服务 商务中心 外币兑换服务 商场 医务室 理发美容室 残疾人客房 邮政服务 有可无线上网的公共区域 收费停车场 前台贵重物品保险柜 专职行李员 行李存放服务 叫醒服务 免费旅游交通图(可赠送) 接机服务 自动取款机 部分房间有宽带上网
  国内长途电话 国际长途电话 中央空调 浴室化妆放大镜 24小时热水 免费洗漱用品 浴衣 独立浴缸和淋浴 吹风机 拖鞋 独立写字台 多种规格电源插座 110V电压插座 保险箱 电热水壶 咖啡壶/茶壶 免费瓶装水 小冰箱 熨斗/熨衣板

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Copyright: 鼎典全景,Ding Code Panorama,
Type: Spherical
Resolution: 6000x3000
Taken: 06/05/2011
Chargée: 06/05/2011
Published: 06/05/2011
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Tags: 杭州开元名都大酒店
More About Zhejiang Province

Zhejiang Province for a China's province, is situated at south the Chinese southeast coast Yangtse Delta the wing, east is near East China Sea, south meets Fujian, west and Jiangxi, Anhui are connected, north with Shanghai, Jiangsu borders on. Within the boundaries biggest rivers Qiantang River, because the river current is winding, calls the river, also calls Zhejiang, the province by river, the abbreviation ?Zhejiang?. Provincial capital Hangzhou. The Zhejiang Province thing and the north and south straight distance is about 450 kilometers, the land territory area 101,800 square kilometers, are the nation 1.06%, is one of Chinese area smallest provinces. Next governs Hangzhou, the Ningbo 2 vice-provincial level cities, Wenzhou, Shaoxing, Huzhou, Jiaxing, Jinhua, Chu chou, Taizhou, Lishui, the Zhoushan 9 locally administered levels, altogether 11 municipalities. Zhejiang Province located at the Chinese southeast coast, is situated between the north latitude 27 ' 12 '' - 31 degrees 31 point and between the longtitude 118 E - 123 degrees, east is close to East China Sea, notogaea Fujian, west and Jiangxi, Anhui are connected, north and Shanghai, Jiangsu is a neighbour. The thing and the north and south straight distance is 450 kilometers, the land territory area 101,800 square kilometers. Within the boundaries biggest rivers Qiantang River, because the river current is winding, also calls Zhejiang, the province by river, Jian Chengwei Zhejiang. The entire province has critical terrain feature landscape more than 800, waters landscape more than 200, biological landscape more than 100, humanities landscape more than 100; Has Xihu, the Fuchunjiang River - Xin'an river, Yandangshan, Moganshan, the Putuo, Mt. Tiantai, Nanxijiang, the shengsi archipelago, Shuanglongdong, the dwelling place of celestial beings, the Xuedou, the Huanjiang - Wuxie, Mt. Jianglang, the dwelling place of celestial beings and so on 14 state-level key scenic spot area, Dongqian Lake, the big Buddhist temple, Fang Yan, Mt. Lanke and so on 42 provincial level scenic spot area; Has Hangzhou, Ningbo, Shaoxing, Chu chou, near the sea 5 state-level historical city, provincial level historical city 12; Has nation key Cultural relic preservation organ 134, provincial level key Cultural relic preservation organ 279; Has state-level nature protection area 7, country forest park 20.

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