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Koncentracijsko taborišče Mauthausen Ljubelj - spomenik

Cilj projekta je približati in razjasniti absurd nacističnega režima in predvsem ene najokrutnejših metod sistematičnega uničevanja celih narodov v koncentracijskih taboriščih. Koncentracijsko taborišče Ljubelj je bilo edino takšno na slovenskih tleh, zato ima še toliko bolj simbolen pomen tako za Slovence, kot tudi druge narode Evrope, ki so tu pustili svoje sinove.

Edino koncentracijsko taborišče v Sloveniji je nastalo na Ljubelju v povezavi z gradnjo ljubeljskega cestnega predora oz. s strateško pomembno cestno povezavo med Nemčijo in južnimi zasedenimi ozemlji. Gradbena dela je prevzelo dunajsko podjetje "Universale" in marca 1943 začelo z vrtanjem predora na slovenski strani. Predor, dolžine 1.542 m, je bil prebit v osmih mesecih. Taborišče je v obdobju od 3.6.1943, ko je prišlo prvih 330 političnih internirancev, do 7.5.1945, ko je prenehalo z delovanjem, pripadalo zloglasnemu nacističnemu taborišču Mauthausen. Od tam so dovažali internirance, med katerimi je bilo največ Francozov. Število internirancev v taborišču se je menjavalo, največ kar 1.300, jih je bilo ob koncu julija 1944. Izčrpane, za delo nesposobne in bolne internirance pa so vračali v matično taborišče Mauthausen, kjer je večino čakala smrt. V ljubeljskem taborišču je bilo ubitih in sežganih okrog 40 internirancev. Mrliče so sežgali v primitivnem krematoriju. Iz taborišča je poskusilo pobegniti 29 internirancev, uspelo pa je le 22. Poleg političnih internirancev so na Ljubelju delali tudi civilni delavci slovenske, hrvaške, italijanske, francoske in nemške oz. avstrijske narodnosti.

Projekt je finančno podprt s strani Evropa za državljane, EACEA, Europe for Citizens programme.

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Copyright: Institut Inovativ
Type: Spherical
Resolution: 10268x5134
Taken: 27/08/2011
Chargée: 27/08/2011
Published: 27/08/2011
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Tags: kz mauthausen loibl süd; koncentracijsko taborišče mauthausen ljubelj; mauthausen; ljubelj; camp; nacizem; zgodovina; slovenija; prelaz
More About Europe

Europe is generally agreed to be the birthplace of western culture, including such legendary innovations as the democratic nation-state, football and tomato sauce.The word Europe comes from the Greek goddess Europa, who was kidnapped by Zeus and plunked down on the island of Crete. Europa gradually changed from referring to mainland Greece until it extended finally to include Norway and Russia.Don't be confused that Europe is called a continent without looking like an island, the way the other continents do. It's okay. The Ural mountains have steadily been there to divide Europe from Asia for the last 250 million years. Russia technically inhabits "Eurasia".Europe is presently uniting into one political and economic zone with a common currency called the Euro. The European Union originated in 1993 and is now composed of 27 member states. Its headquarters is in Brussels, Belgium.Do not confuse the EU with the Council of Europe, which has 47 member states and dates to 1949. These two bodies share the same flag, national anthem, and mission of integrating Europe. The headquarters of the Council are located in Strasbourg, France, and it is most famous for its European Court of Human Rights. In spite of these two bodies, there is still no single Constitution or set of laws applying to all the countries of Europe. Debate rages over the role of the EU in regards to national sovereignty. As of January 2009, the Lisbon Treaty is the closest thing to a European Constitution, yet it has not been approved by all the EU states. Text by Steve Smith.

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