It was a long time ago...
When I was a child, we called this place "auf der Reh".
But on a map you would not find a name like that, there is maybe something written like "Lehenholz", or Meilwald, but to this area it doesn´t belong any more.
In fact, it is located exactly between Erlangen Sieglitzhof, Spardorf and Marloffstein.
Anyway, here you have a very nice view, in winter lots of children come here to play with their sleds, and when the wind is good you can bet that some kites are in the air...
Wikipedia: La Franconie (en allemand Franken) est une région géographique et historique du centre-sud de l'Allemagne. Depuis 1815, elle est annexée à la Bavière, dont elle représente aujourd'hui environ les 2/5 nord du territoire. Elle rassemble aujourd'hui 3 des 7 circonscriptions administratives (Regierungsbezirke) bavaroises : Moyenne-Franconie (Mittelfranken), Basse-Franconie (Unterfranken) et Haute-Franconie (Oberfranken).