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About IMRAN™

IMRAN™ is best known as the founder of Internet & Email industry in Pakistan, and among early pioneers of the Internet. He co-founded PKNIC & the .PK ccTLD; and also launched the global branded credit card industry there with MasterCard. He achieved these disruptions overcoming threats and resistance from religious-fundamentalist dictatorship of a military ruler.

He is also an avid photographer since getting his first camera at age 7 in Pakistan. Also in love with 3D imagery since getting a ViewMaster at that same age, he has dabbled in 3D, 360° and VR creativity since the earliest days of virtual reality tools. He also composes music and his nTrance album is available on iTunes, Spotify, and more. 

Imran is an acknowledged visionary and global strategy, business & technology thought-leader. He is a respected C-suite trusted advisor, management consultant, evangelist & innovation champion. At Microsoft, Imran’s focus is on driving Customer Success at the world’s leading financial services firms. Earlier he was Enterprise Architect for US Department of Defense, General Electric, and several global financial services leaders. 

He headed all vertical industry & service provider solutions as well as marketing at VCE (VMware/Cisco/EMC), with financial services, healthcare and government being the primary focus. He launched and led CA's network management product line & helped build CA professional services by leading that firm’s largest $78 million global digital transformation project for one of the world’s largest financial services firms. Imran was CEO of EverTrac, which launched the world’s first enterprise-grade location-aware mobile IoT and vehicles tracking & remote systems management platform exactly 20 years ago, which was integrated with neural agents and other technology from CA.  

His experience in corporate innovation leverages technology as a strategic differentiator and competitive advantage. He advises Fortune 500 & hi-tech startups & helps multinationals and entrepreneurs drive innovation & success, taking complex problems & quickly creating & delivering simple & effective solutions. A well-known news/media personality & global affairs expert, he is on global TV & radio networks, and is a popular chair & keynote speaker at global conferences.