There are 2 different ways to upload your panoramas and associated metadata to 360Cities:
First create your 360Cities account and go to your dashboard and click on upload. Follow the detailed web publishing instructions. It will take a few minutes to process the image. In the meantime, you can go to Panoramas-Pending in the header menu to see the panoramas being processed or to Panoramas-Unpublished to see the list of panoramas that have already been processed.
Note: You need to wait until your panorama is processed before you can publish it.
You can use any FTP program (we strongly recommend Filezilla) to send your files to the 360Cities server.
Login details to your personal 360Cities FTP account can be found in your ftp settings.
Please remember: Even if you upload your files via FTP, you must follow our upload requirements.
To view the status of your uploaded files, check the "uploader.log" file in your FTP directory. You can see useful information about what the server has done with each file you upload. After your files are uploaded successfully, they will be deleted from the FTP directory.
You should carefully add accurate and correctly spelled metadata (preferably in English) to all panoramas you upload to 360Cities. Quality metadata in English dramatically improves your panoramas’ search ranking, making them more likely to be found by search engines and licensing customers search More information about entering metadata can be found here.
Go to you published or unpublished panoramas and click Edit > Name & Description tab. The metadata you provide should answer the following questions: What is the panorama of? Where has the panorama been taken? When was the panorama taken? Who (if anyone) is in the panorama?
It is very important that you set the proper location in order to maximize the chance that your image will be found by our licensing customers.
Go to your published or unpublished panoramas and click Edit > Location tab:
The Annotation feature allows you to annotate your panoramas in order to provide details about a particular area inside the panorama. Just choose the spot where you want to set the icon on your panorama. Then, write a short text about that spot (max 200 characters).
The PRO Panorama Page URL feature allows you to share your panoramas without arrows pointing to nearby panoramas or to any other photographers’ panoramas and without thumbnails and ads. Just go to your unpublished or published panoramas and click on Edit > Other tab. There you’ll find the PRO Panorama Page url, copy it and share it.
Note this feature is only available for PRO and COMPANY accounts.
Further reading (advanced panorama shooting tutorials):
PanoTools Wiki - information hub for panoramic photography
Panorama Tutorials - more links