Path to the town of Jimbe. Note the beginning of the main street recently paved, compared with the recent road "paved". With a meager budget of 6.5 million nuevos soles are intended lane stretch of 19 km linking Jimbe with the Moro crossing. Through a dark process that never got to investigate the contractor raised the asphalt -which tended to pure "punch" by Gambini, even when there was no mining Canon- and replaced with an alleged bilayer asphalt, which tended not last when one single day, literally. The asphalt was clear between wheel motorcycle taxis. After that, the 19 km left in the same state as before, worse still, for it was completely destroyed what Gambini. The damage caused to the people is compounded because legally you can not reallocate new budget to a project that was supposedly already executed. With all the beauty of our land and not to take public fluently.