蓝色山脊公园道(Blue Ridge Parkway)是美东主要吸引人的风景区之一。 这条风景优美的山路沿著蓝色山脊山脉〈Blue Ridge Mountains〉从弗吉尼亚州的 Shenandoah 国家公园开始,一直到北卡罗来纳及田纳西州交界的大烟山国家公园〈Great Smoky Mountains National Park〉为止,绵延大约 470 英里。
蓝色山脊公园道技术上并不延伸到田纳西州,但是通过大烟山国家公园的钮芳隘口路也算是蓝色山脊公园道的自然延伸。如果加上起点 Shenandoah 国家公园北方的 Skyline Drive 及终点处的钮芳隘口路〈Newfound Gap Road〉,从维吉尼亚州的小镇 Front Royal 到田纳西州的 Gatlinburg,这段风景优美的公路则超过 500 英里。
秋天是一个色彩丰富且动态的季节,落叶前路旁的树叶色彩鲜丽。落叶季节大约在9月下旬在公园道上开始上演,当山茱萸〈dogwood〉、sourwood 和 blackgum 树叶先转变成深红色,再来是鹅掌揪〈tulip-trees〉 及hickories 转成明亮的黄色,黄樟〈sassafras〉变成生动的橙色、红色槭树〈red maples〉发展出多彩多姿的颜色,到了最後橡树〈oaks〉叶变成枯叶色和褐紫红色,将蓝色山脊公园道转变成看秋天落叶美景的好去处,风一吹,落叶飞舞飘摇,煞是好看。除了赏枫叶之外,在这段公园道上还可以从事骑马、露营、爬山等活动。
http://www.yododo.com/area/detail/4-01-58-12197 全景摄影 刘运增
The United States is one of the most diverse countries on earth, jam packed full of amazing sights from St. Patrick's cathedral in New York to Mount Hollywood California.The Northeast region is where it all started. Thirteen British colonies fought the American Revolution from here and won their independence in the first successful colonial rebellion in history. Take a look at these rolling hills carpeted with foliage along the Hudson river here, north of New York City.The American south is known for its polite people and slow pace of life. Probably they move slowly because it's so hot. Southerners tend not to trust people from "up north" because they talk too fast. Here's a cemetery in Georgia where you can find graves of soldiers from the Civil War.The West Coast is sort of like another country that exists to make the east coast jealous. California is full of nothing but grizzly old miners digging for gold, a few gangster rappers, and then actors. That is to say, the West Coast functions as the imagination of the US, like a weird little brother who teases everybody then gets famous for making freaky art.The central part of the country is flat farmland all the way over to the Rocky Mountains. Up in the northwest corner you can find creative people in places like Portland and Seattle, along with awesome snowboarding and good beer. Text by Steve Smith.