Bradlo - Mohyla Milana Rastislava Stefanika
Mohyla sa nachadza na vrchu Bradlo vo vyske 543 metrov, nad mestom Brezova pod Bradlom. Je to terasovita stavba architekta Dusana Jurkovica so styrmi obeliskmi zosuladenych s okolitou krajinou. Postavena bola z travertinovych blokov velikanovi slovenskych narodnych dejin.
The Monument of the General Milan Rastislav Stefanik on the Bradlo Hill is a carrier of strong historical value and an outstanding symbol of the life and work of Stefanik – a general, astronomer and politician, who was one of the leading persons of the birth of the modern Czechoslovak Republic in 1918. Although living most of his life in France, he was born and died in Slovakia and is still remembered as one of the most renown personalities of Slovak history. The monument was designed by the architect Dusan Jurkovic and it is inscribed in the UNESCO list of monuments. The monument stands on the highest hill of the Myjavska Pahorkatina Mountains, which is called Bradlo. There is a wonderful lookout at the country.