The period of the Renaissance comes with the large milestone of the period that was the fall of the Byzantine Roman Empire on May 29, 1453. The liturgical changes in the Renaissance and subsequent throughout the baroque period will create new elements and variations in the Catholic churches. The chorus that was on the ship Distances of the sacred space of the altar on the apse, often covered by walls or grills of the rest of the ship where the assembly or lay people are now part of the sacred space of the altar,
The importance of the Bacrário and the Altar in the Renaissance leads to which the people would return to visual contact with these elements. Hence the need to redesign the main chapel space according to these liturgical changes. The first reconstructions of the Mor Romanica or Gothic chapel occur in the transition from the century. XIV for XV. It is what we see in the chapel MOR of the current Sé de Braga: She received a new chapel Moruelino style at the request of the then Bishop of Braga D.Diogo de Sousa, with the stroke of João de Castilho in 1509