Čerín - Gothic church of Saint Martin from the 14th century. The walls of presbytery and north wall of the body of the church are decorated by wall paintings from the 14th and 15th century. During Turkish invasion in the 16th century the church was being surrounded by a wall and in the 17th century there was added columnar belfry. Čerín - Gotický kostol sv. Martina. zo 14. storočia. Steny presbytéria, ako aj severnú stenu lode kostola pokrývajú jedinečné stredoveké nástenné maľby datované do 14. a 15. storočia. Počas tureckých nájazdov v 16. storočí kostol obohnali obranným múrom a v 17. storočí pristavali stĺpikovú zvonicu.