Schlenkerla is a famous old brewery and tavern in Bamberg, Bavaria, Germany. It is known for its smoked beer which is called "Aecht Schlenkerla Rauchbier" ("real Schlenkerla smoked beer"). It is a strong, darkish beer with a slightly smokey taste which is rather like bacon. The alcohol content is 5.1%. There is another speciality which is called "Urbock" ("Ur" means "original" and "Bock" is actually a male goat). The Urbock is stronger: 6.5% alcohol and is only served in the season known as the "Starkbierzeit" ("Strong beer time") which is from October to 6 January. The beer is served from oak barrels. This is a very old tradition which is not often found nowadays.
Wikipedia: La Franconie (en allemand Franken) est une région géographique et historique du centre-sud de l'Allemagne. Depuis 1815, elle est annexée à la Bavière, dont elle représente aujourd'hui environ les 2/5 nord du territoire. Elle rassemble aujourd'hui 3 des 7 circonscriptions administratives (Regierungsbezirke) bavaroises : Moyenne-Franconie (Mittelfranken), Basse-Franconie (Unterfranken) et Haute-Franconie (Oberfranken).