走进地都镇枫美村,我们可以见到雄伟壮观的戏台、苍翠的枫树和美丽的文化公园,可以领略高规格的书法展览和精彩的“月起金都”文艺演出,还可以感受到民风的淳朴、文化底蕴的深厚和古民居群的独特魅力。 给笔者印象最深的是枫美村建造的一个生态环保型的污水处理工程。该村利用地势特点,把工业污水和生活污水分别引到国道一侧的小溪。将小溪分成三四个处理池,利用淤泥、沙石、植物等将污水逐级过滤、净化,处理好的污水直接流入虾池。虾的生存对水质的要求是非常高的。经处理的污水直接流入虾池,虾不但能够正常生长,而且长势喜人,说明经处理的水是干净的。这种注重生态、符合地势特点、造价低廉、效果好的污水处理方式给村里营造了可持续发展的生态环境,同时这种做法也值得提倡、借鉴和推广。 池塘附近有成群的白鹭在此栖居,体现了村民的环保意识和文明程度。成片的浮莲长势极好,竞相开放,这是污水孕育的美丽,更是枫美村干部造福百姓的大手笔描绘出来的美丽。污水处理,成效显著,功在当代,惠及子孙后代,为“枫美画卷”抹下浓墨重彩的一笔。 枫树的栽种和繁茂是大自然对枫美的赏赐;鹭鸟的栖居是对枫美的眷恋和回赠。枫美村,正向“经济繁荣、环境优美、社会和谐”的目标迈进。若干年后,当我们再次走进枫美村时,我们一定可以感受到枫树成荫的美丽,体验“枫林美如画”的意境,感叹社会主义新农村建设成果的豪迈。
Guangdong Province, referred to as "Yue ", the provincial capital Guangzhou, the jurisdiction of cities in 21 provinces, including two deputy provincial cities (Guangzhou, Shenzhen), prefecture-level cities 19. Formerly Kwangtung, Canton, is Pinyin GuǎngDōng. Guangdong is the southern coast of mainland China, a province located south of Nanling, the South China Sea, Hong Kong and Macao, Guangxi, Hunan, Jiangxi and Fujian border, and Hainan across the sea. It is a Han Chinese as the main provinces, the country's 56 ethnic groups are distributed in the province. Guangdong customs and in language, history and culture, have a unique aspect, the internal department has three people, and northern China are very different. Guangdong GDP value has surpassed Taiwan as China's most economically developed provinces in the most open culture.