吉林省人民医院是一所集医、教、研、预防保健为一体的大型三级甲等医院,省内“十佳”医院、全国“百佳”医院,1946年建院,是由吉林省委、省政府创办的、由吉林省卫生厅主管的综合医院。医院位于吉林省长春市朝阳区工农大路1183号。占地面积60000平方米,建筑面积138600平方米(其中业务用房115600平方米)。资产总值44990万元, 固定资产43986万元,设备总值11737万元。开放床位总数1552张,日均门诊量1936人次,日均住院患者1350人。现有32个专业、47个疗区、7个医技科室、11个机关后勤科室。 在职职工1736人,其中卫生专业技术人员1322人,正高级职称130人,副高级职称266人,中级职称600人,有20人获国务院特殊津贴,省有突出贡献中青年专家15人,硕士点12个,硕士生导师25人。
From Wikipedia: Changchun (simplified Chinese: 长春; traditional Chinese: 長春; literally "Long Spring") is the capital and largest city of Jilin province, located in the northeast of the People's Republic of China, in the center of the Songliao Plain. It is administered as a sub-provincial city with a population of about 7.5 million under its jurisdiction, including counties and county-level cities. The name originated from the Jurchen language. The urban districts of Changchun's city proper have a total population of 3.58 million.