高麗神社の獅子舞は、毎年例大祭(10月19日)の当日、氏子の人たちによって奉納されています。起源は明らかではありませんが、神社に残る資料に よりますと、徳川時代初期から奉納されてきた事が知られます。また、雌獅子一頭、雄獅子二頭による三頭一人立ちの風流獅子舞に分類され、「ししっくるい」 と称される程、勇壮な舞と哀調をおびた篠笛の響きが特徴的です。 鳴物は、「笛」・「ササラ」・「ホラ貝」、所役は、「棒使い」・「貝吹き」・「天狗」・「おかめ」・「ササラ」 「導き」・「獅子」・「笛方」・「唄方」と総勢50名程です。場面は、「宮参り」・「獅子がくし」・「竿がかり」「願獅子(がんじし)」に分かれ、場面毎 に獅子の役者がかわります。
The eight islands of Japan sprang into existence through Divine Intervention.The first two gods who came into existence were Izanagi no Mikoto and Izanami no Mikoto, the Exalted Male and Exalted Female. It was their job to make the land for people to live on.They went to the bridge between heaven and earth and, using a jewel-encrusted halberd, Izanagi and Izanami churned up the sea into a frothy foam. As salty drips of water fell from the tip of the halberd the first island was formed. Its name was Onogoro.So far, so good. But when Izanagi and Izanami first met on their island, Izanami spoke to Isanagi without being spoken to first. Since she was the female, and this was improper, their first union created badly-formed offspring who were sent off into the sea in boats.The next time they met, Izanagi was sure to speak first, ensuring the proper rules were followed, and this time they produced eight children, which became the islands of Japan.I'm sure you did not fail to miss the significance of this myth for the establishment of Japanese formal society.At present, Japan is the financial capital of Asia. It has the second largest economy in the world and the largest metropolitan area (Tokyo.)Technically there are three thousand islands making up the Japanese archipelago. Izanagi and Izanami must have been busy little devils with their jewelled halberd...Japan's culture is highly technical and organized. Everything sparkles and swooshes on silent, miniaturized mechanisms.They're a world leader in robotics, and the Japanese have the longest life-expectancy on earth.Text by Steve Smith.