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Once upon a time the noble Comoros invitation came in Slovak mountains from the Austrian Tyrol woodcutters, who have brought in addition logging tools and wooden horned sleds, which are used for the removal of timber. The guy had them delivered to the meter of forest wood, which have had a thorough strength and skill. In summer, the hay used for removal of difficult terrain available. Were the children's sledge last generations. Entirely made of wood, no metal parts. Today, for the transport is not used, become suitable tools for folklor and sports competition. (See http://www.krne.sk)
Kedysi davno na pozvanie grofskej komory prisli k nam z rakuskeho Tirolska drevorubači, ktori si okrem drevorubačskeho naradia doniesli aj tieto sane, ktore použivali na zvažanie dreva. Na krnohach musel chlap stiahnuť meter dreva, na čo musel mat poriadnu silu a zručnosť. Boli aj sankami minulych detskych generacii. V lete sa využivali na sťahovanie sena z ťažko dostupnych terenov. Krnohy su pozemne vozidlo bez kolies, pohybujuce sa na drevenych plazoch. Cele su zhotovene z dreva, bez kovovych sučasti. Dnes sa krnohy na dopravu materialu použi vaju len ojedinele, zato sa vsak stali vhodnym naradim folklorno - sportovych podujati v ramci krnohovych pretekov.(Viď http://www.krne.sk)