It was a long day. We got lost in the car for three hours in and around Tesistan (which is not, as you might guess, a central asian country, rather it's a dusty town on the ruta del tequila) looking for various haciendas. We did find everything we needed, and after that we needed some serious grub. We decided to go somewhere we already knew and liked - this place which is in the town next to Tequila. Everything they have here is good. Zack, in a moment of starving gluttony, ordered a kilo of Carnitas - braised/fried little pork rib scraps, essentially. We did not finish the carnitas, so we brought them with us in a bag back to tequila, thinking that some of those nice dogs wandering around the town might partake in a fatty snack. Sure enough, those carnitas disappeared quickly enough.