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Megiliggar Rocks lie between Porthleven and Rinsey Cove in Cornwall. The light stripes in the cliff are granite sills, intruded at the roof of the Tregonning Granite into the Mylor Slates. At this location, it is possible to see xenoliths of dark country rock in the light-coloured granite, to see stoping in the roof of the magma chamber and to observe pegmatite veins with feldspar crystals up to 20cm long next to aplite veins with a crystal size of 2mm. This photograph was taken on a beautiful October day in 2012 at midday on an exceptionally low tide. This site is only safe to visit for an hour or so on either side of low tide, as there is a risk of getting cut off by the incoming tide, but it is well worth a visit if you want to understand how granite is intruded into country rock.