The luxurious 5-star hotel Mriya was engineered by famous high-tech architecture company of Norman Robert Foster. The resort was built in 2014 by the Sberbank of Russia on the site of the self-titled Ukrainian bug house. In 2016 Mriya Resort & Spa has won two prestigious awards - the World Travel Awards and the World Spa Awards. The jury recognized hotel as the best resort in Europe and the best spa resort in Russia.
Шикарный 5-ти звездный отель Мрия построен в 2014 году СберБанком России. Отель стал обладателем сразу двух престижных премий - World Travel Awards 2016 и World Spa Awards 2016. Жюри признало Mriya Resort & Spa лучшим курортным комплексом в Европе и лучшим спа-курортом в России.