Taiwan's current wine grape varieties two, is the white grape varieties (Golden Muscat), To Rose Hong (Muscat Hamburg) and tougher (Diamond) crossbred varieties, in 1957 from the United States; is a red grape varieties after dark (Black Queen), by Pele (Bailey) and the later (Golden Queen) mating bred, in the 1960 from the Japanese before and after the introduction. White wine is white grape juice in pure juice brewed, ice-cold drink after excellent flavor. particularly tasty; Even peel red wine fermentation, extraction red grape skin's natural pigment from the bright red ones can eliminate fish, meat flavor and oily; Rose wine from white grapes and red grapes mixed brewing, both white wine and red wine, she mellow flavor, and Western food, drink menus which are very palatable. Taiwan won the first 1984 session of fine food product will be a gold medal from evaluation, won the 1988 world tobacco and alcohol evaluation will be bronze medals. Wine from fresh grapes lead with rich nutrient content, potassium and minerals, for a basic beverage aesthetic beauty effectiveness, but also improve life in the mountains, improving the quality of life. Taiwan Tobacco and Wine Monopoly Bureau was established in the 2002 restructuring of the Taiwan tobacco shares Nantou distillery of the most famous wine country townships, opening up for public visiting, tasting, on the characteristics of wine, manufacture and drinking culture, and to provide citizens with recreational leisure establishments and the public are welcome to visit the exhibitions in this field.