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吐峪沟千佛洞开凿以来的1700多年中,先后历经了人为破坏和自然塌损两阶段。现有洞窟94个,有编号46窟,仅有8窟残存壁画。那些幸存下来的石窟壁画,至今仍向人们展示了古代文明的风采,吸引了当今世界各地研究佛教历史、佛教艺术的专家学者们的目光,是研究我国佛教文史、佛教美术史、古建筑史的历史依据和实物资料,具有无可估量的历史价值和艺术价值。   吐峪沟千佛洞古称“丁谷寺”,是吐鲁番地区建窟较早、保存早期壁画较多的石窟。最早的洞窟出现在晋、十六国时期。沮渠氏家族称王时(公元443~ 450年),是吐峪沟佛教最繁荣的时期。   由于帝国主义的掠夺和人为的破坏,吐峪沟壁画90%吡以上已经毁圮无存。如今只有8个洞窟还残留少量有回鹘文题记的壁画。其中1、2、3、4号窟,佛坐胡床,为全国所仅见。这里还出土过一些佛经残卷。
  是游客进入南谷口见到的第一个著名的古代宗教遗迹,全称为艾斯哈布·凯海夫麻扎,俗称“圣人墓”,据说已有1300多年历史。   吐峪沟霍加木麻扎,传说公元七世纪初,穆罕默德创立了伊斯兰教后,其弟子、古也门国传教士叶木乃哈带5名弟子最早来中国传教,历尽艰辛,终于东行来到吐峪沟。在携犬的当地牧羊人的帮助下,叶木乃哈等6人便长住此地继续传教,伊斯兰教在吐峪沟开始盛行。后来,叶木乃哈等6人和第一个信仰伊斯兰教的中国人(牧羊人)去世后,被埋在山洞里,即现在的吐峪沟麻扎。   
据德国探险家冯·勒柯克著作记载,直到20世纪初,仍有来自土耳其、印度等国的穆斯林到这里旅游。现在,每年都有来自南北疆、宁夏、青海、甘肃、土耳其、港澳台等地旅游的穆斯林信徒来此朝拜,是新疆境内较为显赫的伊斯兰教圣地,也是佛教文化兴衰、伊斯兰教盛行的重要历史见证之地。   吐峪沟麻扎堪称中国的第一大伊斯兰教圣地,即“中国的麦加”。按当地穆斯林的说法,到麦加朝圣前一定要先到吐峪沟麻扎。据勒柯克记载,直到20世纪初,仍有来自土耳其、印度的穆斯林到这里朝圣。现在每年前来朝觐的大陆、香港、澳门、台湾,以及德国、土耳其等地的穆斯林络绎不绝。
在这里生活的老人、青年、儿童的脸上,始终洋溢着平静、自足、幸福的神情,给人以纯朴、悠闲、与世无争的美好印象。   在古老的村落中,居民们继承了两千多年来用黄粘土建造房屋的传统习惯。一些建筑还遗留着佛教文化和伊斯兰教文化交相融合的印记。房屋建筑均是以黄粘土制坯建成的窑房,有大有小,有高有矮;有一层的,也有两层以上的;有独立成房的,也有沿山势连成一片的。其特点是经济实惠、冬暖夏凉。

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Copyright: 庭州360xj.Cn图视天下
Type: Spherical
Resolution: 6000x3000
Taken: 29/03/2009
Uploaded: 08/02/2011
Published: 08/02/2011


Tags: 吐峪沟 大峡谷 吐峪沟千佛洞 吐峪沟麻扎
More About Xinjiang

Xinjiang is located in the northwest frontier of China's regional capital Urumqi. Xinjiang stayed indoors Asian inland, west across the Pamirs. Xinjiang Taklamakan Desert in China's largest desert and the lowest basin in China Turpan Basin, as well as the longest inland river of China's Tarim River. Temperate continental arid climate. The major cities in Xinjiang's capital Urumqi, the oil city of Karamay. Xinjiang Tianshan Tianchi spots there, the Huoyanshan Turpan, Kashgar Mosque. There Altai Mountains in northern Xinjiang, southern Kunlun Mountains, Karakorum Mountains and the Altun Mountains. Tianshan, Xinjiang, as a symbol across the middle, forming the southern and northern Tarim Basin, Junggar Basin. Customary to call the area south of the Tianshan Mountains in southern Xinjiang, northern Tianshan area north called to Hami, Turpan Basin, called the east Xinjiang. Xinjiang three snow mountains and glaciers bred together more than 500 rivers, located in North and South Tianshan Basin, the larger are the Tarim, Ili, Irtysh, Manas river, ulungur, Kaidu River more than 20. Many cross the river, there are numerous oasis garden terraced rice paddies, villages and towns the sea, input on "ten-mile Peach 10000 willow" in Beyond the Great scenery. This is the people of all nationalities in Xinjiang interest-bearing activities, the main base for generations to come. Xinjiang has many beautiful lakes and natural scenery, with a total area of 9,700 square kilometers, accounting for 0.6% of the total area of Xinjiang for more than ten of them the famous lakes: Lake Bosten, Ebinur, Buluntuohai, A Yage Curry Lake, Sailimu Lake, Ah-Ge kul Lake, Whale Lake, Ji Li Lake, aksay Lake, exme Lake.  Cotton in Xinjiang in connection Setsurei, lined with Bingfeng to form a unique large glaciers, a total of 186 thousand, with a total area of more than 24,000 square km, accounting for 42% of area of glaciers and ice reserves of 258 million cubic meters, Xinjiang's natural "solid reservoir." Is extremely rich in water resources in Xinjiang, per capita highest in the country, to be vigorously developed. Desert the country's total desert area of 2 / 3, which covers an area of the Taklimakan Desert, 336.7 thousand square kilometers, is China's largest desert, the world's second largest mobile desert, next to the desert on the Arabian peninsula Lubuhali. Junggar Basin gurban Tongut desert, an area of 48,000 square kilometers, China's second largest desert. In the desert of Xinjiang is rich in oil and gas resources and mineral resources. China's dry, hottest, the coldest places in Xinjiang. China's longest inland river, the lowest depressions, the largest desert in Xinjiang are. In Xinjiang can watch the world-famous Yardang Landform, wind erosion mushrooms, caves, stone forest, as well as a mirage in the desert, windblown sand call and other unique natural landscape. The desert of Xinjiang, there are numerous rare plants and animals for visitors to view.    

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