The movement called Agrupament Escolta i Guia Eladi Homs, based at the Parròquia Sant Alonso Rodríguez in Palma de Mallorca began to run at 1984:
Here you can see part of the senior hikers group with some friends of them making the route that starting from Port de Sóller leads in a cercle round through Illeta de Ca'n Gordo, Pas de sa Cordellina,Es Forat (on the image), Font des Joncar, Pi des Rei Moro, Pas de s'Heura, Sa Tanca des Bou, Bàlitx de Dalt, Font des Salt, Es Figueral and the Port de Sóller again returning to the same point. A hard 15 kms long stoned path excursion only for experts that follow a real smugglers' way used during past century with a difficult way to be find and some very difficult steps to cross.