wikipedia: San Gimignano is a small walled medieval hill town in the province of Siena, Tuscany, north-central Italy. It is mainly famous for its medieval architecture, especially its towers, which may be seen from several kilometres outside the town.
wikipedia: The Collegiata is the main church of San Gimignano, Tuscany, central Italy, situated in the Piazza del Duomo at the town's heart. It was once the Duomo (cathedral), but since San Gimignano no longer has a bishop it has reverted to the status of a collegiate church.
The first church on the site was begun in the 10th century. The present building was begun in the early 12th century and was consecrated by Pope Eugene III in 1148. It was altered and enlarged by Giuliano da Maiano between 1466 and 1468. The façade dates from 1239 and is remarkably plain.
La Toscana, una delle regioni italiane più ricche sia dal punto di vista paesaggistico che da quello storico-artistico, si trova nell'Italia centrale e confina con l'Emilia Romagna (Nord), le Marche e l'Umbria (Est) e il Lazio (Sud). Ad Ovest la costa è bagnata nella zona settentrionale dal Mar Ligure ed in quella meridionale dal mar Tirreno e troviamo le isole che formano l'arcipelago toscano fra cui l'Isola d'Elba. Il capoluogo della regione è Firenze e le altre provincie sono: Arezzo, Grosseto, Livorno, Lucca, Massa, Pisa, Pistoia, Prato e Siena.