The Cassero complex dominates the whole of the Valdichiana and still conserves the original characteristics and charm of a Medieval stronghold. Its unequivocal profile makes it a landmark on the Castiglion Fiorentino skyline.
Already in the VIII century village huts covered the entire hill that later was encircled by a city wall defending the ancient Etruscan acropolis of Oppidum. In the centre was the splendid temple from the V century that came to light in the archaeological excavations that took place from 1980's onwards.
The Cassero as it is today, is a result of various transformations that have taken place from XI century when the area became the seat of a castle that controlled the ancient and very important road networks which were a long way from the marsh land but near enough to take advantage of the huge fish resources.
La Toscana, una delle regioni italiane più ricche sia dal punto di vista paesaggistico che da quello storico-artistico, si trova nell'Italia centrale e confina con l'Emilia Romagna (Nord), le Marche e l'Umbria (Est) e il Lazio (Sud). Ad Ovest la costa è bagnata nella zona settentrionale dal Mar Ligure ed in quella meridionale dal mar Tirreno e troviamo le isole che formano l'arcipelago toscano fra cui l'Isola d'Elba. Il capoluogo della regione è Firenze e le altre provincie sono: Arezzo, Grosseto, Livorno, Lucca, Massa, Pisa, Pistoia, Prato e Siena.