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Manastir Rmanj Martin Brod
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Rmanj monastery in Martin Brod, in the picturesque area of the confluence of the Una ounce, it is the spiritual center of the northern Tromeda (trograničja Bosnia, Lika and Dalmatia). National traditions attributed his withdrawal Katarina Brankovic, daughter of Serbian despot Đurđa Brankovic, and wife of Count Ulrich II of Celje. Under the name of their son, Herman explains the origin of the name of the monastery. Older computer science at the national narratives, but, on the other hand there are no reliable sources who spoke on the emergence of this "sant nikolai family."

The first reliable data on the existence of the monastery Rmanj lead us in the 1498th year, when his Duke "Peter, Petrašin and Vukdrag" precious gift to the Mother of God icon. A brief record of this gift should be viewed in the context of Austrian sources from the first half of the sixteenth century speak of the resettlement of Serbs from areas immediately to the monastery. Serbian migration from the vicinity of the origin of the Serbs, Glamoc and valleys ounce, were led by captains, and stopped in Zumberak, on the border between Carniola and Croatia. Due to Turkish pressure, this movement of population took part, and the monks of Rmanj. Monastery Rmanj existed even before the revival of the Serbian Patriarchate in Pec 1557th year, which testifies to seal engraved with the year (1553). After the above renewal, the monastery became an important administrative cenatar, since it moves the chair dabrobosanian Mitropolitan. Rmanj remains the seat of Dabar-Bosnia during the metropolis for more than a century. The most important are the names of the bishops of the day: Gabriel Avramovic and Theodore, who is 1615th theological educational institution founded in the Dalmatian Monastery Krka.Mitropoliti who dwelt in Rmanj signed themselves as "Dabar-Bosnia, sanjak of Klis and Lika. At the turn of the sixteenth to the seventeenth century monastery Rmanj is counted up to a hundred monks, of which there is reliable historical evidence. One of his abbot, Sava Stanislavić becomes 1648th The bishop "and vretanijski marchan's. In the first half of the seventeenth century monastery Rmanj was the focal point of artistic and translete work, in a word nursery of spiritual and national elite.Rmanjs monks are the spiritual support, and solidarity all the liberation movements of the Serbian people and his Church, so the monastery was demolished and destroyed by the Turks 1638th and 1661st year. Then the fraternity moved into the territory of the Habsburg monarchy, where they founded the monastery and renewed Lepavina and monastery Marcha.

Rmanj monastery was restored throughout almost the entire eighteenth century alive pojući Orthodox monastery in the Bosnian Krajina, to the destruction of the 1785th year, again from Turkish hands. He was Dick dabrobosanskih Metropolitan Serb opponent Phanariots metropolitans. His brethren after the 1776th year for all spiritual matters addressed Serbian bishop Gornjokarlovacki. We are familiar with the abbot of the following times: Haji Basil, Basil Tišma, Melentie Vukolajević, Theophilus pine, Neil Bubalović and Basil Crnobrnja. The Austrian war plan Ounce and Una from 1794th Rmanj is sketched, which gives us a lot of good insight into the onovremeno Status: residences have been destroyed, but the church survived.

Nineteen and twentieth century

The first half of the nineteenth century, finds a deserted monastery without the monk. In it are directed and pious people bogočežnjivi views from neighboring Serbian villages. Manastirishte radiating spiritual strength and liturgisanja molitvoslovlja previous centuries. Abandoned Rmanj was renovated and equipped for the monastic life of commitment and financial support from the Bosnian offer Grahovo Gavra Vuckovic 1863rd year. Orthodox holy sites was the subject of hate begovske Kulenovic family who used the collapse of the uprising 1875th years to devastirali monastery and tortured his fraternity. Then Rmanj visited the famous English archaeologist Arthur John Evans, who in his letters describing Iliriskim Serbian leaders and heads, as well as their saborovanje monastery near the temple. Again renewed vengeance Rmanj 1883rd Metropolitan Sava (Kosanović).

The collapse of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia was a prelude to the greatest suffering that is experienced Rmanj on its historic path. From the criminal hands of the Ustasha 1941st The martyr has suffered Orthodox priest, Archpriest Milan Popovic, who served in the monastery. On Maundy Thursday 1944th Rmanj the monastery was bombed by Nazi Luftwaffe, as the partisan hospital was located there. Rmanj was destroyed to the ground, and disappeared forever's never studied and described the frescoes.

The new communist government were holding back a full thirty years Rmnja resurrection. Effort, craftsmanship and perseverance of the Dalmatian Bishop Stefan (Bottles) brought 1974th restoration of the monastery church. Upon arrival at the throne of the Bishop Diocese of Bihac-Petrovac NJ. Pr. Bishop Hrizostom (Jević) began work on the full restoration of the monastery and monastic life Rmanj in it. Bihać Petrovac Diocese is making great efforts to fully restore the monastery. Today, his fraternity are three sveštenomonaha.

Rmanj the international meeting point of artists who continue the tradition of old school icon painting. The ancient liturgical objects in the possession of the former monastery are now in the treasures of the Orthodox monasteries in Ireland, a part of the museums in Serbia.


One excursion history students, led by university professor from Zagreb, came to the monastery where he had the opportunity to attended his sermon that the Rmanj Benedictine monastery on the "Turkish territory of Croatia." Tom "university" professor who had to fight back the Roman Catholic factually arsenal, data from Farlatija, which states a letter from Pope Gregory XI 1372nd in which the points on a number of schismatic on the borders of Krbava and Bosnia. " These are precisely the areas around the monastery Rmanj. Gregory Bozovic is on one site noted that the pravaško oriented historian Milan Šuflaj "had a great historical intuition when he was correct in its scientific conscience. Serbs with Chigné sea and the Krajina not only Turkish and Uskočka Bežanija "(Politika, May 7, 1937, XXXIV, no. 10 398, pp. 6).

The monastery is in the fall 1995th He was mined by a regular army of the Republic of Croatia. The temple was desecrated. Explosives experts from the British forces as part of SFOR razminirali the Orthodox holy place which, with only a reckless move, it could happen to the fate of so many times viševekovnoj experienced in its history. The English were, at least so repaid Orthodox monastery which is far 1875th under its roof, received Sir Arthur John Evans, archaeologist and adventurer, who was brought liberation struggle of the Serbian people, and whose sympathies were on the starna Krajisnik in an attempt to overthrow the Ottoman giants.

Text: History of the monastery Rmanj

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Copyright: Bane Obradović
Type: Spherical
Resolution: 9168x4584
Taken: 09/07/2011
Caricate: 16/07/2011
Published: 16/07/2011
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