Monterosso al Mare, Cinque Terre, Italy
Every Italy Intensive program visits Cinque Terre! We stay in the town of Monterosso and enjoy the close beach and hiking between the five picturesque villages.
The mission of the East Carolina University Italy Intensives Program is to enhance the internationalization of the undergraduate and graduate experience at East Carolina University, providing students with opportunities to engage in research and scholarship in an authentically Italian community, helping them become globally aware, socially conscious citizens, and future leaders who will make positive contributions in an increasingly interdependent and multicultural world.
East Carolina University's Italy study abroad program offers students year round opportunities to study and live in the heart of Tuscany while earning college credit.
Students can earn 3-6 credit hours during summer sessions and 12-15 credit hours during fall and spring semesters. Courses are offered in studio art, art history, Italian language, humanities, literature, International news, feature writing, music and theater classes.
Panorama photo by Chris Ellenbogen.
La Liguria è una regione italiana di 1.609.552 abitanti (dati ISTAT al 31-10-2007) situata nel Nord-Ovest della penisola e avente come capoluogo la città di Genova. Confina a sud con il Mar Ligure, a ovest con la Francia (regione Provenza-Alpi-Costa Azzurra), a nord con il Piemonte e con l'Emilia-Romagna, a est con la Toscana. La regione Liguria fa parte dell'Euroregione Alpi-Mediterraneo.