Sawtooth Lake is the largest of all lakes in the Sawtooth National Wilderness Area, Custer County, Idaho, USA. The lake sits at 8,430 feet (2,569m) above sea-level and is a 5 mile hike from the nearest trailhead, which is Iron Creek Campground. Iron Creek Campground is 5 miles (by road) from the town of Stanley, Idaho. The 5 mile hike is on a well maintained hiking trail and has an elevation change of 1,720 feet (524m).
This image was taken on September 29, 2011 from the southern shoreline of the lake. Sawtooth Lake is approximately 4,600 feet (0.88 miles, 1,400m) long and 2,200 feet (0.42 miles, 666m) wide and has a shoreline distance of 2.32 miles (3.74km). The southern end of the lake spends most of its day shaded by the 10,190 foot (3105m) Mount Regan (not pictured).
Winters are harsh at Sawtooth Lake, which remains ice and snow covered over half the year. The best time for visiting in summer weather is August through October.
On the east side of Sawtooth Lake is Alpine Peak (9,861 feet, 3005m, pictured) as well as 7 other unnamed peaks above 9,000 feet (2,743m).