John Roberts

Expert Maestro

Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, North America
Numero di visualizzazioni: 281,202
About John

canyons, desert, geology, history, lakes, mountains, outdoor recreation, overlooks, public lands, rivers, rock arches, season


Recent Activity on 360Cities
360Cities Neighbors: Florian, Calvin J, Calvin M

360Cities Stats

Number of 360s by Direction from Home:

Popularity of 360s by Direction and Distance:

Most hits:
High Dune
Currently popular:
High Dune
Angel's Window at Point Royal
Mount Rushmore National Memorial
Three Roof Ruin
Natural Bridge

Google Earth Stats

Most hits:
Mount Rushmore National Memorial
Currently popular:
Mount Rushmore National Memorial
Above the Inversion
Three Roof Ruin
Below OohAah Point
Dinosaur Track

Hit ratios (GE/360Cities):
Mean 3, Median 2.5, Min 0, Max 18

Recently started measuring Google Maps Views. Estimated hit ratio (GMV/360Cities) at 16!

A friend introduced me to 360cities and I noticed there weren't many entries for my beautiful home state of Utah.  Outside of foreign visitors, there are only a few full time residents here taking 360s.  We've now had somejoint field trips and hope to have some more soon.



Nikon Coolpix A
Manfrotto 732CY Tripod
Nodal Ninja 3 panohead


Nikon ViewNX2 / CaptureNX2, Adobe Photoshop CS5.1, GeoSetter

  • AF/AE (yes, I let them vary) aperture priority
  • f8 to f11, 27mm, Nikon RAW format
  • 4 rows of 10 photos plus nadir/zenith
  • Conversion to 16-bit TIF with Capture NX2
  • Pano generation in PTGui Pro.
  • Adjust exposure variation with PTGui and/or Capture NX2
  • Correct Zenith/Nadir images as necessary
  • Final touch-up in Photoshop
  • Geotag/position/heading in Capture NX2 and GeoSetter