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This sphere image was taken with my GoPro Hero3, stuck on the handle of my walking stick. I just rotated the walking stick while using the wireless remote to trigger the Hero3. I did an up and down shot and presto - done. The whole "rig" fits into a tiny pouch, is totally waterproof, weighs next to nothing and the images need practically no fiddling with before stitching. I am really impressed with this tiny camera. It gets nice blue skies when shooting towards the sun and good texture in the clouds, too. Very few compact cameras can do that, the sunward skies usually being overexposed and clouds blown out. This little beauty can even get blue skies when shooting up through tree branches in a forest - something even my big Canons can't do.
Plus the resolution of the fisheye lens is amazing with almost zero flare or vignetting. This is the first camera I've ever had that does a nice job of a direct image of the sun (something most sphere images have to contend with). Not only that but when shooting against a bright sky or clouds even tiny little branches on trees are clear and sharp - where other cameras have the twigs vanish against the clouds.
Now, about this image.
This is on the famous New Caledonia NC-GR1 walking trail not far upstream from the magnificent Carenage waterfalls. The sign on the GR1 says "Source" but as you can see from the map view the river actually goes a long way beyond this point.
I wanted to show the break between the calm clear pool and the rapids on the outflow from the pool. Plus I liked the big rock which, to my mind, looked like a crustaceans claw. I knelt in the cool water concentrating on the difficult task of rotating my walking stick just right and simultaneously clicking the WiFi remote.
Half way through the sequence I was attacked by a vicious - or at least a hungry - crayfish! I nearly lept out of my skin (which was the only thing I was wearing) when he nipped my knee. Admittedly he didn't nip very hard and turned out to be just a little over 50mm in total length, but he was very determined and continued to worry away at my leg hairs while I captured this sphere image of his home.
It turns out the pool is home to a lot of the little monsters and while Freddy and I ate lunch under the trees I tossed crumbs into the pool and watched the crayfish fight over them. Crayfish are, of course, munchable themselves and people do fish for them in many of New Caledonia's rivers. But this spot is a long hike from anywhere and nobody has bothered these little guys.
ニューカレドニアはオーストラリアとニュージーランドに最も近い南太平洋島です。ニューカレドニアはフランス領であり、フランス語が公用語として使われておりますが、文化はメラネシア、ヨーロッパ、ポリネシア、ベトナム、中国、インドネシア等多くの国の歴史をブレンドした国際的でユニークな文化を築いております。ニューカレドニアには、グランドテールと呼ばれる1つの大きな山の様な島と6つの小さい島があります。– 3つのロイヤルティー諸島、ベレップ諸島、イルデパン島島には果てしなく広がる荒野があり、そして驚くほど住民が少ないアイランドです。また何百キロメートルのウオ―キングトレック、キャンプ場、42以上の公園および特別保留地と輝やく滝を保つクリスタルクリアの川があります。人口3分の1ほとんどがヌメアの首都に居住しています。ニッケル採鉱はニューカレドニア第一の産業として、国の高い生活水準への主な役割をしています。グランドテールは世界で2番目に大きい堡礁に囲まれており、この堡礁によって造られ保護されたラグーンは、世界で最も大きいと言われております。この24,000平方キロメートルの巨大なラーグンは、2008年に世界遺産として記録され、多種多様の魚と無脊椎動物の豊かな動物群をサポートしています。 観光客のご到着しだい、一目に留まる島の活気に満ちたクリスタルクリアでリッチな風景は、皆様に大いに愛され感動なされています。ヌメアでは観光客のご滞在を更にご満喫いただけるよう、こちらの全てのホテル、リゾート、レストランおよび島でのアクティビティーを広範囲でご用意させて致しております。