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Water Sports Noumea New Caledonia

Sea creatures and snorkellers are safe in the calm lagoon waters of Ilot Maitre Marine Reserve. When it is calm, at high tide, it is a delight to snorkel over the white sand and turtle grass beds to the south of l'Escapade Island Resort. The variety of sea creatures that inhabit this reef-top environment is amazing. There are clusters of sea stars and every single one has it's own kaleidoscope of colors, red, blue, yellow, orange, purple, green, and each decorated with tiny mountain ranges of harmless spires. Most of them are Pentaceraster alveolatus, reaching 13cm in diameter but there is also another starfish, without spines along the edge of its arms and with brown spines, called Protoreaster nodosus.

Three different species of sea turtles graze on the lush grass beds in the reserve. They don't seem to mind spectators but move off if you move towards them. Like most sea creatures they are curious so, if you are quietly moving around looking at the starfish and sea shells (which you must not disturb), they might come over to see what you have found. This green turtle (Chelonia mydas) snuck up right behind me,  as I set up my camera to take this sphere image.

As I spun around in the process of taking the sphere image - there it was, not a metre away, with Freddy behind it, laughing through her snorkel. Apparently the turtle was just inches from my flippers before I turned and Freddy found this hilarious. Yesterday morning I followed a green sea turtle around for over an hour, trying unsuccessfully to take a photo of it. The turtle stayed just out of camera range, moving away at exactly the same speed I approached. I followed it slowly over the grass flats, then gave up and flippered back to the reef edge to photograph a school of yellow snappers.

Just as I dove down to take photos of the fish, the same turtle came gliding by, still at exactly the same distance from me but coming so close to Freddy (who did not have a camera) that she could touch it.

Although it is hard to say for sure, today's green turtle looked suspiciously like the same one. As I joined Freddy, laughing through my snorkel, the turtle flew off with a perfectly innocent look on it's face.

Copyright: Richard Chesher
Type: Spherical
Resolution: 7440x3720
Taken: 02/03/2010
送信日: 03/03/2010
Published: 03/03/2010


Tags: water sports new caledonia; water sports noumea; sea turtle new caledonia; starfish new caledonia; marine reserve new caledonia; chelonia mydas; green turtle; pentaceraster alveolatus; protoreaster nodosus; underwater; diving; snorkeling; dive
More About ヌメア

ニューカレドニアの首都ヌメアは、南太平洋のバケ―ション中心街です。ヌメアは「フランス」の都市でありますが、91,000人の住民はフランス、メラネシア、ポリネシア、インドネシア、ベトナム等より多い人種でミックスされています。ニューカレドニアの人口の60%以上がヌメアに住んでいます。 ヌメアはグランドテール島の南西側に位置する半島です。そして中央商業地区(センターヴィル)の近くには、南太平洋で最も美しい天然の良港があります。この半島のラーグン側には、真っ白なサンドビーチを蓄えた絵のように美しい2つの湾、アンス バータおよびベイ デ シトロンあります。これらのツインベイ(湾)は、陸地に近い「ラ プロムナード」に位置するホテル、レストラン、バーを含むニューカレドニアの国際観光首都です。1854年にフランス人が定住し始め、ヌメアはフランスとの親密な政治的絆を維持します。ヌメアには優れた学校および公共施設 – 公園、レクリエーションエリア、運動場、医療施設等があります。現在ヌメアは、南太平洋で最も急速に発展している都市です。ヌメアには1つ星のホテルから5つ星まで23軒のホテルおよび100軒以上のレストランがあります。

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