Anthony Mann

California, USA, North America
見られた回数: 39,449
About Anthony

I live and play in the southwestern United States, where I work at my day job as a wildlife biologist for a private consulting company.  I also volunteer part-time as a science teacher for local schools and museums, but my true love is seeing and sharing the natural world with my children.

I started out in photography when I was 12 years old, where I mostly experimented with a home-built 8x10 large format pinhole camera and developing my own film. As a photographer, I really love to do scenic and fine-arts photography, but I'm also interested in doing pano's and VT's for educational and environmental programs. Thus, I hope to develop 360cities and Google Earth-based educational VT's for students and others to learn and enjoy.

This is exciting media, and I'm proud to be a 360cities partner!

...enough said, now go take pictures!