Didi Lotze

Indonesia, Asia
見られた回数: 26,178
About Didi

I am a native German and have lived nearly 30 years in Asia, mostly in Indonesia. In the 80’s I worked as a producer, rostrum camera operator and photographer for a well known Indonesian MultiMedia company! I created innovative, unseen large screen multi-image presentations of up to 15 projectors for clients like Unilever, Honda, Pertamina, Modern Group and Indonesian Government Departments. Later, as a freelance photographer, I worked for Jakarta’s international agencies in the field of corporate, advertising and hotel photography. Reportage assignments for magazines like "Geo France", "Der Spiegel", "Die Zeit", APA Travel Guide rounded up the fascinating job as a photographer.
1997, I started to experiment with Panorama Photography and developed the "roundshot360" photography combined with virtual tours in an outstanding quality for full frame, Internet and print media. Prints of Panorama shots for exhibitions or posters can be enlarged up to 5m. Beside this love for roundshot360 images, I never stopped to work as a "conventional" photographer!