Dalian tiger beach sea park is situated south state-level scenic spot area - -
Dalian seashore middle. The area 1,180,000 square meters, have 4000 meters winding coastline. In the garden the blue sky blue sea, the green hill wonder stone, the scenery happiness, constituted the beautiful seashore scenery. Here has Asia to demonstrate the coral reef biota large-scale marine life hall - - coral hall most greatly primarily; The world is biggest, the Chinese only demonstration polar region marine animal and the polar experience facility - - polar region hall; National biggest half natural state artificial birdcage - - birdsong forest; National biggest granite animal stone carving - - group tiger sculpture as well as decayed for mysterious Ma Si thoroughbred horse root carving handicraft art center and so on civilized national scenic site; Some national longest large-scale cross-ocean aerial cableway; Dalian south sea area biggest sightseeing ship; The special movie broadcasts the place - - four Uygur theaters as well as the thrilling stimulation Jurassic Period turbulent current exploration, the pirate ship, jumps, fast falls and so on amusement facilities extremely.
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